Between the Lurch / Self Portrait

Designs by Jessica Gallagher

Our minds hold the key to physical reality and the submissive subconscious.Our sleep unlocks the box to a sanctuary where all that we fear may drift away as we experience our wildest fantasies without trepidation. 

A human being without sleep is no human being at all. 

What if the motherboard in our brain was chemically ineffective, and the time when most humans can safely fall within themselves became overruled, the monsters that lurk within our nightly psychosis dripping into our reality, constricting our view, engulfing our lungs with hellfire? 

What of these dark creatures that dement the weak and lure them into the abis?

Rise & Speak.

Create and show the crumbling of minds & the strengthening of souls.

- My mind's eye


Designer -  Jessica Gallagher 

Photographer- Kyle Dow

Art direction - Trent Bradley Connor

Hair & Makeup - Jessica Gallagher

Designs by Trent Connor

The silhouettes of this collection are a conversation.  A conversation with myself. A dialogue between desire and discomfort, masculine and feminine, past and present.

An exchange between swathes of fabric and bare skin; how do you feel worthy of desire when desire has been used to usurp agency and autonomy; when you occupy a liminal space between masculine and feminine, how do you feel comfortable in a binary when you exist apart? How do you feel safe when any expression of queerness is so cruelly and viciously derided?

I’m not sure I have an answer. But it’s an ongoing conversation.

With myself.



Photographer - KYLE DOW

Art direction/styling -  TRENT BRADLEY CONNOR

Hair and Makeup -  JESSICA GALLAGHER 



Waste Not, Want Not


Sex Idol