MERDE meets Hot N’ Sketchy podcast founder and host Lucy Bleu-Knight to discuss the digital conversation around mental health and snap some pics at her Encino family home. Lucy has carved a brand for herself as a professional tattoo artist and founder of multi-faceted brand Hot N’ Sketchy. Her Valley Girl roots juxtapose a deeper philosophy of vulnerability which she’s imbued into the launch of her podcast in which she discusses the stigma around mental health. MERDE Founder Molly Apple had the pleasure of speaking with Lucy about Hot N’ Sketchy podcast, opening up about her own personal journey, being reflexive and staying true to passions fostered from childhood.

MOLLY: Hi Lucy-Bleu, tell us about yourself and your vision and message behind Hot N’ Sketchy?

LUCY-BLEU: Hey, I am Lucy-Bleu, an artist born and raised in the valley. I love running to inspiring alternative rock music, the sun, socializing, and going down the rabbit hole.

The message behind HNS is simply, follow your dreams and be true to yourself. I believe everyone has a yellow brick road to their destiny which can be met by exiting the comfort zone, taking aligned action and most importantly not giving up. The vision is hope. :)

MOLLY: Who is your audience and how do you aim to connect with them beyond the podcast?

LUCY-BLEU: This is all quite new, my target audience is like minded people of any age who are interested in the topic being discussed. I like to think of HNS as a community beyond the podcast, events coming soon!!

MOLLY: What makes a good therapist?

LUCY-BLEU: I believe therapy serves as a fortress to dump. Release is so important, if your therapist makes you feel safe and heard then cheers.

MOLLY: How many episodes do you plan on Filming?

LUCY-BLEU: Taking it day by day, Interviewing people feels like a flow state for me so as long as I’m enjoying the process, I’m on the yellow brick road.

MOLLY: How has your family supported you on your mental health journey?

LUCY-BLEU: My family? All rockstars. I would say we’re all in it together with an open dialogue. Grateful for my foundation.

MOLLY: Are you partnering with resources to assist in shedding light on mental health awareness?

LUCY-BLEU: I haven’t found any organizations I feel ready to partner with yet but I’m sure my agenda will align with someone else’s soon. Collaborating with a mental health group that supports anti suicide is a desire.

If you experience suicidal ideations, please, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255 for immediate help. Crisis Text Line also provides free 24/7 confidential support via text at 741741.

Photography by Douglas Neill


